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Ohio Two-Way Radio Accessories
NNTN8203 APX™ XE Remote Speaker Microphone
The XE RSM is the first accessory from Motorola with dual microphones that helps suppress interfering background noise. It suppresses noise so effectively, you can be…
NNTN8203_BLK APX XE Remote Speaker Microphone (Black)
The XE RSM is the first accessory from Motorola with dual microphones that helps suppress interfering background noise. It suppresses noise so effectively, you can be…
NNTN8203_YLW APX™ XE Remote Speaker Microphone (Public Safety Yellow)
The XE RSM is the first accessory from Motorola with dual microphones that helps suppress interfering background noise. It suppresses noise so effectively, you can be…
NNTN8383 INC (Industrial Noise Canceling) Remote Speaker Microphone With Threaded 3.5mm Audio Jack
Unleash the power of Motorola’s Industrial Noise Canceling (INC) Remote Speaker Microphone (RSM) and be heard above all noise. Whether you’re in a mill or a…
NNTN8575A APX XE Remote Speaker Microphone (RSM) With Xtreme Temperature Cable
This APX XE Remote Speaker Microphone (RSM) with attached Xtreme Temperature Cable is ideal for use in the harsh and hot conditions of a fireground. Its exaggerated…
NNTN8575A_BLK APX XE Remote Speaker Microphone (RSM) With Xtreme Temperature Cable
This APX XE Remote Speaker Microphone (RSM) with attached Xtreme Temperature Cable is ideal for use in the harsh and hot conditions of a fireground. Its exaggerated…
NNTN8575A_YLW APX XE Remote Speaker Microphone (RSM) with Xtreme Temperature Cable
This APX XE Remote Speaker Microphone (RSM) with attached Xtreme Temperature Cable is ideal for use in the harsh and hot conditions of a fireground. Its exaggerated…
PMKN4107 Display Remote Speaker Microphone (RSM) Interface Cable
Display RSM interface cable with 5-pin nexus female receptacle. Used with Display Remote Speaker Microphones HMN4101, HMN4103 and HMN4014
PMKN4112 Display Remote Speaker Microphone (RSM) Interface Cable
PMKN4113 Display Remote Speaker Microphone (RSM) Interface Cable
Display RSM interface cable with 12-pin hirose male connector. Used with Display Remote Speaker Microphones HMN4101, HMN4103 and HMN4014.
PMLN4009 Mag One Commercial Series Remote Speaker Microphone With Swivel Clip and Flexible Coil Cord
The compact Mag One remote speaker microphone simplifies jobs by allowing users to talk and listen without having to remove their radios from belts or carrying cases….
PMLN4009 Mag One Professional Series Remote Speaker Microphone With Swivel Clip and Flexible Coil Cord
The compact Mag One remote speaker microphone simplifies jobs by allowing users to talk and listen without having to remove their radios from belts or carrying cases….