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Ohio Two-Way Radio Accessories
ENMN4016 Medium Weight Dual-Muff headset
This medium weight, dual-muff headset offers high-clarity sound with the additional hearing protection necessary for providing consistent, clear, communication in…
ENMN4017 3-Wire Surveillance Kit, Beige
This surveillance accessory allows the radio user to privately receive messages with the earpiece. It’s ideal when environments that require discreet communication….
EP910W Bluetooth™Earpiece with PTT
EP910w Operation Critical Wireless Bluetooth Audio Earpiece is designed to allow you the convenience of Bluetooth technology by enabling you to comfortably wear it for…
EPNN9288A Rapid-Rate Charger Transformer (US), 120V
This is a 120 volt rapid-rate charger transformer (US) that plugs into the RLN6506 Amplifier Charger Kit.
FAF5259 UHF Stubby Antenna
This UHF Range 1 (380-470 MHz) single-band stubby antenna for APX portable radios integrates GPS and is short and unobtrusive when the radio is worn on the belt. On the…
FAF5260 UHF Stubby Antenna
This UHF Range 2 (470-520 MHz) single-band stubby antenna for APX portable radios integrates GPS and is short and unobtrusive when the radio is worn on the belt.
FBA-41 AA Back-up Battery Pack
Use 6 AA batteries as a back-up to power your VX-450 and EVX-530 radio. Requires a Alkaline Batter Case to operate
FIF-12 Programming Software and cable
The FIF-12 is the programming software for Vertex Standard Radios. It includes a USB interface cable for PC programming. Allows the user to connect the radio to a PC or…
FNB-V112LI 1140 mAh Li-ion Battery Pack
Lithium -Ion battery pack designed specifically for the VX450 Intrinsically safe Vertex Standard radios. Uses the VAC-450 charger.
FNB-V113LI 2300 mAh Li-ion Battery Pack
Lithium -Ion battery pack designed specifically for the VX450 Intrinsically safe Vertex Standard radios. Uses the VAC-450 charger.
FNB-V133LI-UNI 1380 mAh Lthiumi-Ion Battery
Lithium -Ion battery pack designed for the VX-260 , EVX-261 VX-450 and EVX530 series Vertex Standard radios for added flexibility in multi-unit fleets. It fits neatly…
FNB-V134LI-UNI 2300 mAh Li-Ion Battery
Lithium -Ion battery pack designed for the Vertex Standard VX-260, EVX-261, VX-450, EVX-530 and VX530 series radios.Designed for added flexibility in multi-unit fleets….