Add e-government service request capabilities to your web site with PremierOne CSR Citizen Web. From a PC or smart phone, your constituents will be able to search for…
PremierOne CSR Mobile helps your public service agency communicate critical work information to field personnel – and of course, help them send information back to the…
PremierOne™ Handheld improves officer safety by providing timely access to mission-critical information when and…
STREAMLINE BOOKING AND DETENTION PremierOne Jail is a complete booking and detention management system that simplifies and automates detention center operational and…
Motorola PremierOne Mobile gives public safety personnel the ability to assess and prepare for a situation while en route to the scene. Users easily access information…
Built on a common platform, PremierOne™ Records captures and secures all records data into a single repository for advanced information sharing, powerful efficiencies…
Interact with Wi-Fi to engage your customers, improve service, optimize facility design, maximize resource utilization and sharpen insights. Motorola Solutions’…
The PSC 9600 controller provides site-level system organization and resource management for ASTRO® 25 non-simulcast, digital trunking repeater sites. This fully…
Zebra’s user-friendly QLn mobile printers help you print barcode labels and more, wherever and whenever needed. Optimized for high duty-cycle label and receipt printing…
The QUANTAR™ Base Station/Repeater operates in VHF, UHF, 800 and 900 MHZ. This high-power base station/repeater has been a workhorse for SMARTNET and SmartZone…