CDG Wireless Product Detail
Motorola Premier MDC
Public safety personnel can do their jobs better when they are equipped with quick and secure access to information about people, property and vehicles. With Premier MDC®, accurate data can be shared and accessed across different local, state and federal agencies. Premier MDC provides access to information from the confines of patrol cars, fire vehicles or ambulances — or via software for handheld devices, even while on foot patrol or bicycle.
- Premier MDC wireless applications help improve officer, firefighter and EMS safety with timely access to mission-critical information when and where it is needed. Through the integration and real-time communication of mission-critical data, public safe
All of these Premier MDC features are designed to
Improve firefighter and EMS safety through the availability of information about hazardous materials and preplanned responses. Enhance officer safety with access to real-time and accurate data regarding people, places and property. Save time and improve -
Premier MDC provides public safety agencies with:
Timely access to information which is normally retrieved via radio dispatch, or not at all. The ability to query federal, state and local databases including the National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (NLETS) and the National Crime Informatio
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