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Ohio Two-Way Radio Accessories
FNB-V134LIIS-UNI 2300 mAh Lithium-Ion Intrinsically Safe Battery
Intrinsically Safe Lithium-Ion battery pack designed for the Vertex Standard Intrinsically Safe radios . It fits neatly into the Universal (UNI) Vertex Standard charger…
FNB-V142LI 2300 mAh Li-Ion Battery
Lithium -Ion battery pack designed specifically for the EVX-S24 radio.
FRB-6 Tuning Interface
This tuning interface box is used to test and adjust the radios. Requires the appropriate connection cable.
FVP-25 Encryption Unit – Band Inversion
Add band inversion encryption and DTMF paging to your radio for added security over voice transmission. Keeps conversations private within your system.
FVP-35 Encryption Unit
Keep conversations private with the FVP-35 encryption unit. It provides a rolling code for added security.
FVP-36 Inversion Encryption Unit
Basic encryption unit keeps conversations private with inversion encryption unit.
GKN6266 Power Supply Cable
This power supply cable is required to power the switchmode power supply.
GLN7278 Push-to-Talk Footswitch
Use this footswitch for a convenient hands-free way to push-to talk on the APX two-way radios.
GLN7318 Desktop Tray Without Speaker
Convert your mobile into a basic base station or easily mount at your desk. Ideal for basic dispatch and transportation users.
GMMN4065 Omni-Directional Microphone
Omni-directional Microphone
GPN6145 Switchmode Power Supply
This 1-25-watt power supply has provision for backup battery hook-up.Power cord must be ordered as well.